Research Experience

2020 - Current

Research Fellow & Research Project Manager

Research studies I worked on include:

  1. Estimating the hidden prevalence of COVID-19 in Ireland.

  2. COPE Galway’s establishment of an outreach domestic abuse service in rural Ireland.

  3. DAVINA Project on domestic violence funded by SAOL Charity.

  4. An evaluation of the CityWide anti-stigma training programme.

  5. HSE Alcohol project on evidence review of alcohol interventions in community settings.

  6. HSE Alcohol consultation on the delivery of integrated alcohol services.

  7. Department of Justice project on evidence review of longitudinal studies on people who offend.

  8. A needs analysis of families attending Meath’s Women Refuge Support Services.

  9. Exploring the needs of children with type 2 diabetes and their parents.

  10. Evaluating and mapping the Dublin Simon Community detox and recovery pathway programmes, phases 1 and 2.

  11. OPTIMUS European study on Opioid Maintenance Treatment (OMT).

  12. International collaboration on nurse prescribing practices for Medically assisted Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD).

  13. The management of Type 1 diabetes among school-aged children.

  14. The evaluation of Barnardos’ Playground.

  15. Identifying the needs of children and their families living in the International Protection Accommodation System.


Postdoctoral Researcher

Research studies I worked on include:

  1. The Healthy Addiction Treatment (HAT) Recovery model.

  2. The gay men’s sexual health outreach programme evaluation.

  3. An evaluation of the CliniShift mobile application in a hospital setting.

2015 - 2017

Associate Project Specialist

Research studies I worked on include:

  1. An evaluation of the community alcohol treatment programme.

  2. An evaluation of support programmes for young people.

  3. An analysis of the pay and benefits in non-profit and charity sector.

2011 - 2016

Research Assistant

Research studies I worked on include:

  1. Foundation Programme on Sexual Health Promotion.

  2. SENsE epilepsy project.

  3. Blossom Ireland study working with children with autism spectrum disorder.

  4. Healthy Schools Programme.

  5. National Children’s Consultation.

  6. EOLAS study on mental health interventions among families supporting loved ones with mental health issues.